Neck stretch
Why? Sitting in front of a computer screen causes your chin to protrude forward and the muscles along the back of your neck to get tight as you try to hold your head level. This simple stretch returns length to the back and sides of your neck.
How? Sit or stand upright with your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and neck centre in a neutral position.
Tuck in your chin towards your chest and let gravity gently pull your head down to stretch the back of your neck. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
Lift your head, then tip your right ear towards your right shoulder, while keeping the right shoulder pulled away from the ear.
Extend your left arm away from you to deepen the stretch. If you want to make it even deeper, gently place your right hand on the right hand of your head for a little extra weight (as per the picture).
Now release the right hand from the head and rotate the head so that the chin comes into the armpit.
Hold each of these positions for 15 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
Variation: From this position, once you’ve warmed up the neck with a few of these stretches, you can also loosen any more tightness by gently circling the neck once or twice clockwise and anti-clockwise, but be very careful to not over- extend the neck backwards when circling towards the back.