..you're not alone. And it's OK. It's to be expected. The news serves us nothing but bad stuff; the weather has been pretty grim; and the only reminder of Christmas is a couple of extra kg.
So, what can you do to help yourself this winter?
Try and get some face to face time with friends: I know it's easier to stay home on the sofa at this time of year, but social interaction will help to promote feelings of safety, belonging and security.
BTW - an in-person Pilates class definitely counts for face-to-face time! Want to try your first class FOC? Click here
Get outside as much as possible. I know the days are short, but if you can, get outside in nature during daylight hours. Being in nature lowers your blood pressure and heart rate as well as reducing the levels of your stress hormones. Sunlight early in the day helps set your body clock properly too.
Stay active. Double points if you're active outside. Moving helps us in sooooo many ways - reduces stress levels, makes us more resilient, improves mental health..all the things you need this month! Fancy an extra class this month? Check out the timetable if you fancy something different to your usual routine (online classes are still available pay as you go).
4. If you set a New Year's Resolution....and abandoned it, don't feel bad. Why not try setting a Monday intention instead? Make it small and achievable and don't forget to celebrate the win!
Dump the restrictive diet. Add in as many veggies and fruit as you can. This makes your gut happy and your gut will help your brain to feel happier! Add in some oily fish (for the Omega-3) and some Vitamin D supplements (not enough sunlight this time of year) for the win.
Get enough sleep. To quote an old friend of mine "Aaaaah, dark, perfect conditions for sleep". Might as well enjoy it! Check out this
blog to learn more about how to improve yours.
Learn something new. Basically, anything that is going to allow you to get into a flow state or tap into your creativity will help you to experience fewer symptoms of stress.
Try some positive affirmations.
OK, I know that sounds a bit woo-woo. But it's like setting some intentions for the day. I like "I fill my own cup first". This reminds me that I can only help other people if I've looked after my own wellbeing.
Express gratitude. Whether it's for something that someone has done for you, that you've done for yourself, or something that's happened (like a good night's sleep) saying "thank you" helps you to move your focus away from the negative.
Grab a hug. Obvs, ask permission first! Aim for around twenty seconds for both you and your hug-ee to experience the release of oxytocin, which slows heart rate and helps us feel safe.
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