"Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60"
In case you CBA to read the article (linked to The Guardian because there's no paywall), the title pretty much says it all.
Scientists studied a bunch of people, taking biological samples every three to six months to investigate changes in cardiovascular health, metabolism and immunity.
And what they found was that rather than us ageing gradually, it's more like three big old steps downward (there's another burst at around age 78).
As I read it, I went "oh, 44....perimenopause"...but no, it's the same for men🤷🏽♀️ .
It really got me thinking about those steps downwards.
Because, if we're all taking a step downwards, it really matters where we start.
It's the difference between taking two steps downwards from the top of your stairs; and taking two steps downwards when you're already towards the bottom.
I was listening to the Hotflash Inc podcast ("The musculoskeletal syndrome of menopause")
It was recorded before this study came out, but the interviewee said something that stopped me in my tracks.
She said, you need to make a plan for your long term well being as you age.
You need to think about all of the things that you want to be able to do at a future point in your life; and prepare yourself now so you can still do those things.
Every single aspect of your physical health is "use it or lose it".
Balance. Flexibility. Strength. Cardiovascular health.
And losing any of them means you're preparing for the next step down, from lower on your staircase.
Meaning you finish lower.
Making it harder to do the things you want to do.
There is nothing to stop you improving any area of your physical health at any time.
Balance? Flexibility? Strength? CV Health? You can work on any or all of them.
Grab a piece of paper and a pencil.
1. Think about your life ten years from now.
- What do you want it to look like?
- What do you want to be still doing? Travelling? Going out with friends? Walks?
- What will that require from you physically?
- What things do you need to work on NOW to make that a reality in ten years' time?
2. Now do exactly the same for twenty years from now.
I want all of us to still be skipping about, being a terror to all the young people as we get older.
When they see us, I want them to be wondering "what's she up to now?!"
So, once you've written your plan, let me know what you want/ need to work on now to make your future you a reality.
Then let me help you put your plan together with classes and activities that will make the difference to your next step.
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