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Welcome to Drynuary

Jane Arlow • January 7, 2022

I'm a week in and I've barely noticed it...

I'm a big fan of using myself for experiments. And this month's experiment is whether I can go a full month without alcohol.

Why am I doing this? It started, as these things often do, looking at my Fitbit stats. Since I upgraded my watch , I've had access to data called "Heart Rate Variability" (HRV) . It shows your body's ability to manage stress by measuring the variation in the time between heartbeats (higher score equals a better ability).

What I noticed was that on the nights that I had been drinking, my HRV crashed through the floor. I'm going to qualify this by saying that I don't drink a lot - twice a week - and that I also did a bit of experimentation to see if different types of alcohol had different impacts (no, it still crashed).

So, as the end of the year rapidly approached, I decided to see what would happen if I ditched the vodka-tonics and red wine. In case you're wondering if that's some strange new cocktail and what it tastes like... I don't know, I don't drink them together.

According to the Alcohol Change website 130,000 people participated in Dry January last year. So, 130,001 this year then!

What are the health benefits of giving up alcohol?

What am I expecting to experience from this month?

Improved general health- We know that alcohol has a negative effect on liver function;  blood pressure; cholesterol; sleep and weight, so I'm expecting to end the month feeling better generally. 

Research from the Royal Free Hospital in 2016 found that participants saw improvements in concentration and sleep patterns, as well as positive impact on blood sugar levels, blood pressure and the liver.

Reduced cancer risk - here's a shocker - just one alcoholic drink increases your risk of breast cancer. Don't fancy getting that again. It's considered a Group 1 carcinogen, lumped in with radiation and tobacco smole.

Immune system improvement- We're all a little bit obsessed about immune function right now. And it seems that the demon drink weakens your immune system, making you more vulnerable to pathogens, and inflammatory reactions throughout the body.  

Apparently, even one night of heavy drinking can impede your ability to fight off infections up to 24 hours later. 

Reduced number of hot flushes - red wine particularly contains sulphites, tyramine and histamines which seem to trigger hot flushes. This is definitely my experience. 

Additionally, alcohol affects the central nervous system, the circulatory system, and can increase heart rate and widen blood vessels in your skin. This can trigger sweating. Joy.

Improved sleep and energy- So I know that I don't sleep as well after I've had a few. Sneaking a peek at my sleep score the next morning tells all. While I might fall asleep more quickly, it's more a type of unconsciousness than getting deep restorative sleep. 

If it's a late night as well - forget getting any sense out of me the next day!


Weight loss and improved fitness- Hmm. So, lockdown has not been kind to my waist line.  Working from home, close to the food cupboard and Waitrose down the road. 

I've noticed that on top of the extra calories consumed in the alcohol, I have a Twiglet problem - meaning, it's impossible to slurp on a V&T without crunching my gnashers into those Marmite-flavoured delights. 

OK, I know it could be worse! I could be raiding the kebab shop on the way home (but that's probably only because there isn't one between  the Jolly Coopers and Arlow Towers!).

Other Benefits of Dry January

I'm a week in so far and really not missing it. I'll keep you posted on developments. Who knows, maybe I'll become one of those converts to alcohol-free gin?!

However, as I mentioned, I was only drinking moderately a couple of nights per week before this.

According to the Dry January blog, next week, I should start experiencing clearer thinking and more energy...not sure my Steppers will love the extra energy. 

In the third week, apparently, I might start forgetting less stuff...if that means that I remember why I've gone all the way upstairs, it'll be a winner.

And finally, in week four, I should get plumper, peachy, glowing skin. 

If you're doing Dry January too, why not drop me a note on email or social media - let's cheer each other on...oh and by the way, no judgement either way, whether you're not doing it; or you are and end up having a drink. 

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